Monday, October 1, 2012

My Political Self

According to the Political Ideology Test I'm a Post-Modern. After taking the Civics Quiz I received a score of 84.85%. And I scored 9 out of 11 on the Current Events Quiz.

I consider myself, ultimately, to be an Independent. I don't appreciate the "politics" that go along with politics. I can't stand the multi-millions of dollars that are spent on fluff TV ads that don't include anything more than smiling politicians asking for your vote.

If I were to align myself on the political spectrum I would fall slightly left and very libertarian. Above all else I strongly believe in the foundations our country was founded on. I believe individual rights come before most anything else.

There are a lot of things I believe government shouldn't be involved with, yet they are. Most people stubbornly mistake this as me "going against them". But in reality all I'm saying is that certain things shouldn't be left up to the government, they should be decided by the people.

Overall, I feel like government wastes a lot of time and money persecuting people. If no one is being hurt by the actions of another I believe we should all live and let live and enjoy the unique experiment of a country that is the United States of America.

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